SC ST of Rajasthan

Saturday, September 9, 2017

कांग्रेस का बयानवीर

आज कांग्रेस के महासचिव और दस साल तक मध्यप्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री रहे दिग्विजय सिंह उर्फ़ दिग्गीराजा ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के लिए सोशल मीडिया पर अपशब्दों का प्रयोग किया है | यह कोई पहली बार नहीं किया है इससे पहले भी दिग्विजय सिंह कई बार विवादित बयान दे चुके है | वो पाकिस्तान के कुख्यात आतंकवादी हाफिज सईद को “साहब ” बोल चुके है, मुंबई के  दिवंगत पुलिस अधिकारी हेमंत करकरे के हवाले से यह कह चुके है की उनको चरमपंथी हिन्दू आतंकवादियो से खतरा है , बटाला एनकाउंटर को फर्जी करार दे चुके है और अपनी पार्टी की ही महिला नेता को “टंच माल” बोल चुके है |
कांग्रेस के नेताओ के द्वारा प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी पर यह कोई पहला हमला नहीं है इससे पहले कांग्रेस की अध्यक्ष सोनिया गाँधी ने कहा था की नरेंद्र मोदी मौत के सौदागर है , वो जहर की खेती करते है| यही नहीं कांग्रेस की उपाध्यक्ष  राहुल गाँधी ने भी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक के बाद खून का  दलाल भी बता डाला था था |
 यह और कुछ नहीं बस कांग्रेस का राजनैतिक दिवालियापन है | देश के हर भाग में चुनाव हारने के कारण कांग्रेस के नेताओ में आपस में एक तरह की प्रतिस्पर्धा जैसी है कि कौन नेता अपने बयानों से नरेंद्र मोदी पर कितना हमला कर सकता है |

दिग्विजय सिंह अपने बयानों के आलावा अपने कार्यो से भी देश को कई बार शर्मिंदा कर चुके है| उनकी पहली पत्नी के जिन्दा रहते ही उनका अफेयर राज्यसभा टीवी की पत्रकार अमृता राय के साथ चल रहा था और जब उनसे इस बारे में पत्रकारों ने पूछा तो पहले तो उन्होंने उक्त रिपोर्टर से कोई सम्बन्ध होना स्वीकार नहीं किया लेकिन शाम को जब आम्रता ने अपनी फेसबुक वाल पर दिग्विजय और अपनी एक तस्वीर साझा की जिसमे दिग्विजय अम्रता के साथ आपत्तिजनक मुद्रा में थे तो उन्होंने फिर अपने रिश्ते को स्वीकार कर लिया |
 मई २०१४ के बाद से जब से देश में नरेन्द्र मोदी की पूर्ण बहुमत की सरकार बनी है और उसके बाद उन्होंने जिस प्रकार अपने आप को एक वैश्विक नेता के रूप में स्थापित किया है, कांग्रेस के नेतृत्व को यह प्रतीत हो रहा है कि मोदी की पार्टी ने देश की सत्ता पर अपनी जड़ें गहरी जमा लि है और देश की जनता भी उनको एक सर्वमान्य नेता के तौर पर स्वीकार कर चुकी है |
कांग्रेस का यही डर एक वजह है जिसके कारण इनके नेता एक के बाद एक हमले कर रहे है | ऐसा इसलिए भी हो रहा है क्योंकि बीजेपी को हिन्दुओं की पार्टी माना जाता है और इस बार के आम चुनावो ने जिस तरह यह साफ कर दिया कि हिन्दू अपने हितो की रक्षा करने वाले दल को ही वोट करेगा, कांग्रेस जिसका मिशन ही है की फूट डालो और राज करो आज के इस परिवेश में अपने को एक दरकिनार की हुयी पार्टी समझ रही है |

लेकिन आज के समय में जब देश का जायदातर वोटर युवा है और विभिन्न माध्यमो से सोशल मिडिया से जुड़ा

हुआ है , देश में कब क्या हो रहा है इसकी पल-पल की जानकारी उसके पास है ऐसे में अगर दिग्विजय जैसे नेता जब एक मेहनती प्रधानमंत्री पर हमले करते है तो वो किसी भी तरह से ना तो अपने वोट बैंक को बदा रहे है और ना ही अपने परम्परागत वोट बैंक को ही सुरक्षित रख पा रहे है | इस तरह के हमलो पर प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा जवाब न दिया जाना ना सिर्फ उनके बड़े कद को दिखाता है बल्कि देश की जनता यह भी समझ रही है कि देश का वास्तव में भला कौन चाहता है यह लोग जो मीडिया में उलटे सीधे बयानबाजी करने वाले लोग या फिर बिना थके देश की सेवा करने वाले देश के प्रधान मंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी| 

Murder of anti BJP reporter

आज गौरी लंकेश नाम की एक महिला पत्रकार की हत्या कर दी गयी | ये बहुत अफ़सोसजनक है और किसी की भी इस तरह से हत्या नहीं होनी चाहिए | लेकिन गौरी लंकेश की हत्या ने देश में एक बार फिर से “हिन्दू आतंकवाद ” पर बहस छेंड दी है, कहा जा रहा है की गौरी लंकेश की हत्या “कट्टर हिंदूवादी संगठनों” ने की है |
गौरी लंकेश एक वामपंथी विचारधारा की पत्रकार थी और हिंदुत्व के बारे में उनके विचार बहुत अच्छे नहीं थे | लेकिन क्या मात्र इतनी सी बात से हिन्दू संगठन उनकी हत्या कर देंगे ?? यह एक बड़ा सवाल है क्योंकि देश में ऐसे बहुत सारे लोग है जो की हिन्दू धर्म और हिंदुत्व से इतनी नफरत करते है कि ये लोग अगर किसी अन्य मुस्लिम देश में होते तो जरुर इनकी हत्या कर दी जाती | देश में जाकिर नाइक, मौलाना बरकती , इमाम बुखारी , हुर्रियत कांफ्रेस , फारुख अब्दुल्ला , राना आयूब और ऐसे ही ना जाने कितने ही लोग है जो दिनरात सिर्फ हिंदुत्व विचारधारा का विरोध करके ही अपनी राजनितिक रोटियां सेंकते रहते है | अगर हिन्दू इतना ही असहिष्णु है तो फिर इन लोगो को तो कब का मार चूका होता, या फिर अगर नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार ऐसे लोगो की आवाज बंद करना चाहती तो उसके पास तमाम ऐसे रस्ते होते हैं जिससे कि ऐसे लोगो की आवाज को खामोश किया जा सकता था |
उदहारण के तौर पर हम चीन की सरकार को ही देख सकते है | चीन की मिडिया से वही जानकारियां बाहर निकलती है जो वहां की सरकार बाहर निकलने देना चाहती है|

इस देश की राजनीती की यह विडंबना ही है कि यहाँ जब भी किसी वामपंथी या कांग्रेसी विचारधारा के व्यक्ति की हत्या होती है या हिन्दुधर्म के अलावा किसी और धर्म के व्यक्ति की हत्या होती है तो उसको भगवा आतंकवाद के तौर पर परिभाषित किया जाता है और कहा जाता है कि देश में “
अल्पसंख्यक ” समुदाय को खतरा है |
देश के तथाकथित युवानेता और कांग्रेस के युवराज सीधेतौर पर देश की हर छोटी बड़ी घटना के लिए प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी को जिम्मेदार ठहरा देते है भले ही जिस राज्य में ये घटना घटी है वहां पर कांग्रेस की ही सरकार हो |
यही नहीं कांग्रेस की अध्यक्ष सोनिया गाँधी ने इन्तोलेरेंस का मुद्दा फिर से उठा दिया और कहा की हमारी सरकार के समय में ऐसी कोई घटना नहीं हुई है लेकिन २०१४ में मोदी सरकार के गठन के साथ ही देश में एक वर्ग विशेष के लिए मुश्किलें खड़ी की जा रही है और स्वतंत्र आवाजों को दबाया जा रहा है |
इन सभी लोगो को देश में बढ़ रहे हिन्दू आतंकवाद का खतरा तो दिखाई दे रहा है लेकिन पूरे विश्व में पनप रहे मुस्लिम आतंकवाद का धर्म पता नहीं चल पा रहा है | ये वही लोग है जो बिहार में पत्रकार राजदेव रंजन के हत्यारोपी शहाबुद्दीन के साथ मंच साझा करते है लालू यादव को सेकुलरिज्म का झंडाबरदार बताते है और एक वामपंथी विचारधारा की पत्रकार की हत्या का इल्जाम सीधे सीधे बीजेपी और संघ पर लगा देते है लेकिन तब इनके कान और आंख बंद हो जाती है जब कश्मीर के नेता फारुख अब्दुल्ला यह कहते है कि पाक अधिकृत कश्मीर क्या हिंदुस्तान के बाप का है| ये वही लोग है जो याकूब मेनन की फांसी की सजा को रुकवाने के लिए रात के २ बजे देश की सबसे बड़ी अदालत को खुलवा देते है और भारत तेरे टुकड़े होंगे इंशा अल्लाह का नारा लगाने वाले लोगो की दिन रात पैरवी करते है |
अब समय आ गया है की देश के लोग नेताओ की दोगली राजनीती को पहचाने और चुनाव के समय इनको ऐसा सबक सिखाये की फिर से किसी देश के टुकड़े करने वाले या फिर देश की संप्रभुता को चुनौती देने वाले के साथ खड़े होने की हिम्मत ना कर सके |

Thursday, February 16, 2017

सेना प्रमुख पर कांग्रेस का हमला

खान्ग्रेस समेत पूरा बिपक्ष *अल्पसंख्यक* वोटो के लिए अपनी सगी माँ को बेच सकते हैं तो उनके लिए भारत माता के वीर सैनिको की जान क्या औकात है तभी तो सेना प्रमुख के इस बयान की आलोचना कर रहे हैं कि कश्मीर के स्थानीय मुस्लिम युवक सेना के काम में दखलंदाजी न करे । अब इस बात में गलत क्या है?? क्या ऐसा नहीं होता है? क्या जब सेना किसी आतंकवादी को घेरने का प्रयास करती है तो युवक पत्थर फेंकते हैं और कई बार आतंकवादी भाग जाते हैं और कई बार इसी वजह से सेना के कई जवान भी मरे जाते हैं।

यह बयान एक जिम्मेदारी से योग्यता के साथ सेना के प्रमुख तक पहुंचे जनरल ने  दिया है बीजेपी के किसी राज्य सभा के किसी सांसद ने नहीं दिया है। सेना का जनरल किसी जाति या धर्म के खिलाफ कभी कदम नहीं उठा सकता क्योंकि सेना में हर जाति और धर्म के लोग काम करते हैं कश्मीर के ही बहुत से मुस्लिम सैनिक भी सेना में काम करते हैं और आतंकवादी हमलों  में मारे भी जाते हैं। सेना प्रमुख जब यह कहते हैं कि कश्मीर के लोग सेना के काम में हस्तक्षेप ना करे तो वो उन मुस्लिम सैनिको की जान की परवाह भी कर रहे होते हैं जो सेना में काम करते हैं और कश्मीर में तैनात हैं। आज जिन लोगो की वजह से अल्पसंख्यको में गरीबी और अशिक्षा भरी पड़ी है वही लोग सेना प्रमुख के इस बयान का विरोध करते नजर आ रहे हैं।

Saturday, September 12, 2009

changing the senario

dear friends
i wanted to write in this blog long ago but i could not due to busyness without any business. today i am sharing this with you. the status of dalit rights movement is not going to any direction in Rajasthan. now even the dalits are being marginalized with the new ways of new days. now a days i fortunately mat with a few dalit leaders in western rajasthan, who are the flag leaders of dalit movement in this part of the world. i was very much surprised when they admitted that they are carrying this flag only to earn their livelihood and not for real changing the common dalit want to bring in his/her life.
more some other day

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

a report on mine workers leadership development

Two days workshop on development leadership skills in mine labors
A Report
Date of workshop 11-12 June 2008
Place of workshop Youth Hostel Ratanada Jodhpur Rajasthan
Organized by

Supported by
Child Rights & Your New Delhi India
Objectives of workshop
  • To development of leadership skills in the mine workers
  • To generate awareness among mine workers about the legal provisions for mine workers
  • Formation of a campaign core team and initiation of membership campaign
A two days workshop started in Youth Hostel Ratanada jodhpur on 11 June 2008 on the development of leadership skills in the mine workers so that they could put forward their demands for the basic rights of mine workers as given to them in the constitution of the country.
If we look behind and analyze the conditions of mine workers, it is just sympathetic. A mine workers work in a sand stone mine as a bondage labor, not only this, by taking advance from mine owner (Peshagi), he bound his son to work for the same mine owner. The average life of a sand stone mine worker is just 35-40 years.
The local administration, who is responsible for the implementation of the laws, is totally inactive and corrupted. No one ever goes to workplace to find out the implementation of laws in these areas.
This workshop was organized by the Jai Bhim Vikas Shikshan Sansthan, Mine Labor Rights Campaign and supported by the child rights & you New Delhi. More than 50 mine workers participated in this two days workshop.
After the welcome and introduction of the participants, convener of the Mine Labor Rights Campaign, started the session with explaining that what is a right. He said every one in this country at any position has some rights and duties. Further he said that district collector has some rights as like as sex workers in Mumbai have some right, similarly mine worker too have some rights. He said that mine workers face many problems in their daily life, we need to find out our problems in three major areas, such as social problems, economical problems and problems at workplace.
All the workers sit in three groups and each group discussed over one problems assigned to that group. During the discussions in the group one person from MLRC facilitated a group, after long discussions, all the groups prepared their presentation on the chart paper and each group one by one presented the problem areas assigned to the group.
  1. the social problems
  1. discrimination
  2. no benefit from govt. policies
  3. practice on untouchability
  4. lack of social unity
  5. problems related to ration card
  6. child marriage
  7. widow pension
  8. problems related to education
  9. bondage labor
  10. atrocities on daughters and daughters in laws
  11. Mratyu bhoj
  12. Dowry system
  13. Problems related to agriculture
  14. Hand pumps are allocated to schedule caste and schedule tribes but other people encroached on
  15. Mines are allocated in the names of SC and ST’s but other people encroach on it
  16. Consumption of wine and tobacco
  17. Problems related to electricity and water
  18. Problems of transportation
  1. economical problems
  1. poverty and illiteracy
  2. low income and high expanses
  3. high rate of inflation
  4. low wages
  5. diseases like asthma, T.B silicosis
  6. lack of appropriate land for agriculture
  7. natural calamities
  8. scarcity of cattle
  9. addiction
  10. wages are not distributed in time
  11. load of debts
  12. lack of awareness about govt. policies
  1. problems at workplace
  1. lack of proper wages
  2. lack of means at the workplace
  3. no arrangements for shed and drinking water at workplace
  4. un unity on mine workers
  5. differences in the wages of men and women
  6. bad behavior of mine owner towards mine worker
  7. exploitation of child labors
  8. lack of weekly and monthly holidays
  9. improper compensation by mine owner at the time of accident
  10. no arrangements for the first aid
  11. no maternal leave with wages
  12. child labor
  13. no insurance
  14. no pension
  15. laboring on contract
  16. no proper wages
the major problems which came out post presentation discussions are
  1. lack of unity among mine workers,
  2. problems due to be form dalit community
  3. bondage labor
  4. old debts
  5. illiteracy
  6. discrimination
  7. injustice and atrocities
  8. no benefits from govt. policies
prashant mishra chief coordinator after the analysis of the problems said that primerly govt. and feudalistic mind set of the mine owners are responsible for these problems. Further he said that due to lack of common education system and free education, children of mine labor do not get proper education and they are forced to be child labor, to counter with these problems, mine workers needs to be integrated and struggle for their rights for a long time.
Mr. Tulsidas raj asked mine labors that Are they feel that they are free? If they are not free it means they are slave. If, they are slave then of whom? And if they are slave now then what they were in past? Why they are made slave and who made them slave? Further he asked the mine workers that you want to be free and independent?
Mr. Raj said that our constitution is prevalent in our country since 26 January 1950 and which says that every one in this country is equal and no one would be discriminated on the basis of religion or caste. Every one would have right to vote according to his/her will.
Mr. Vinod Rajoria an advocate told the labors about unknowingness and superstitions and religion. Said due to these reasons the people of SC and ST community are lacking behind.
He said that we have to be informed and if we are informed, we will develop a feeling of dignity in ourselves. If we are informed then we could analyze the reasons of our problems and jointly we can struggle for our problems. This way we can form our organization and could struggle for our basic rights. He said that superstitions will end with the information.
Mr. Vinod Rajoria told about the provisions of mining act 1952. he said that mining sector is an unorganized sector. The mining act 1952 has many provisions for mine workers and it is responsibility of govt. and mine owners to implement the provisions of this act.
The provisions of mining act 1952 are
  1. facility of clean and cold drinking water at workplace
  2. separate facilities for men and women at attend call of nature
  3. facility of first aid box
  4. information board and attendance register
  5. no worker should be forced to work more than 6 days in a week, no worker would be forced to work more than 48 hours in a week and more than 9 hours in a day. A child labor will work only 5 hours in a day.
  6. children, less than 14 years of age can not be employed
  7. women cannot be forced to work in under ground mines, women can not be forced to work before 6 o’clock in the morning and after 7 o’ clock in the evening, women will get 3 months paid maternity leave.
  8. there are provisions of similar wages for the similar work and on time wages
  9. compensation should be given to the hurt labor or the dependents of the a labor who died due to mishap in the mine. If some labor get infected of occupational related disease, mine owner must provide compensation to the labor.
  10. the compensation must be multiplied with the age of the labor with half of his salary or Rs. 80,000 which ever is more. Other than Rs. 2500 must be provided to the victims family for crimination.
In the case of permanent disability, 60% of salary of the victim must be multiplied with his age or Rs. 90,000 which ever is more should be provided.
The main issues of this workshop
    1. attendance register
    2. information board
    3. shed at workplace
    4. arrangements of drinking water
    5. regular health checkups
    6. face mask
according to section 23 of this act no mine owner can force a mine labor to work with out his/her consent
after this information sharing Mr. tulsidas Raj formed strategy with the mine workers, which includes
  1. formation of a campaign committee
  2. preparation of memorandum
  3. preparation of demand latter
  4. participation all the classes
  5. membership campaign
a campaign committee formed in this workshop. The details of the members is as fallows
1. Keru village Khibraj Gander, Narpat and Dinesh
2. Beru village Hanuman Ram , Ashuram and Dhalaram
3. Kaliberi Khumbharam, Multanaram and Devaram
4. Bhuriberi Narpat, Jagdish, Ramnath and Vishnaram
5. Paladi Motiram lilad
6. Salodi Khiyaram and Genaram
The committee discussed on the fallowing issues
  1. printing of demand letter and posters
  2. preparation of chart paper of provisions of mining act 1952
  3. mobilization of people of all classes
  4. membership form
  5. membership fee should be Rs. 10
  6. a meeting of committee members and mine labors in Kaliberi on 20th of june 2008
in the end of the second day after long discussions on various issues and taking decisions on several issue, Mr. Tulsidas Raj paid vote of thanks to all for their active participation in the workshop and asked for their similar support in the future.
Prepared by
Prashant mishra
Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
Mo. 8004673900

a report on mine workers leadership development

Two days workshop on development leadership skills in mine labors
A Report
Date of workshop 11-12 June 2008
Place of workshop Youth Hostel Ratanada Jodhpur Rajasthan
Organized by
Jai Bhim
Vikas Shikshan Sansthan Jodhpur Rajasthan
Supported by
Child Rights & Your New Delhi India
Objectives of workshop
  • To development of leadership skills in the mine workers
  • To generate awareness among mine workers about the legal provisions for mine workers
  • Formation of a campaign core team and initiation of membership campaign
A two days workshop started in Youth Hostel Ratanada jodhpur on 11 June 2008 on the development of leadership skills in the mine workers so that they could put forward their demands for the basic rights of mine workers as given to them in the constitution of the country.
If we look behind and analyze the conditions of mine workers, it is just sympathetic. A mine workers work in a sand stone mine as a bondage labor, not only this, by taking advance from mine owner (Peshagi), he bound his son to work for the same mine owner. The average life of a sand stone mine worker is just 35-40 years.
The local administration, who is responsible for the implementation of the laws, is totally inactive and corrupted. No one ever goes to workplace to find out the implementation of laws in these areas.
This workshop was organized by the Jai Bhim Vikas Shikshan Sansthan, Mine Labor Rights Campaign and supported by the child rights & you New Delhi. More than 50 mine workers participated in this two days workshop.
After the welcome and introduction of the participants, convener of the Mine Labor Rights Campaign, started the session with explaining that what is a right. He said every one in this country at any position has some rights and duties. Further he said that district collector has some rights as like as sex workers in Mumbai have some right, similarly mine worker too have some rights. He said that mine workers face many problems in their daily life, we need to find out our problems in three major areas, such as social problems, economical problems and problems at workplace.
All the workers sit in three groups and each group discussed over one problems assigned to that group. During the discussions in the group one person from MLRC facilitated a group, after long discussions, all the groups prepared their presentation on the chart paper and each group one by one presented the problem areas assigned to the group.
  1. the social problems
  1. discrimination
  2. no benefit from govt. policies
  3. practice on untouchability
  4. lack of social unity
  5. problems related to ration card
  6. child marriage
  7. widow pension
  8. problems related to education
  9. bondage labor
  10. atrocities on daughters and daughters in laws
  11. Mratyu bhoj
  12. Dowry system
  13. Problems related to agriculture
  14. Hand pumps are allocated to schedule caste and schedule tribes but other people encroached on
  15. Mines are allocated in the names of SC and ST’s but other people encroach on it
  16. Consumption of wine and tobacco
  17. Problems related to electricity and water
  18. Problems of transportation
  1. economical problems
  1. poverty and illiteracy
  2. low income and high expanses
  3. high rate of inflation
  4. low wages
  5. diseases like asthma, T.B silicosis
  6. lack of appropriate land for agriculture
  7. natural calamities
  8. scarcity of cattle
  9. addiction
  10. wages are not distributed in time
  11. load of debts
  12. lack of awareness about govt. policies
  1. problems at workplace
  1. lack of proper wages
  2. lack of means at the workplace
  3. no arrangements for shed and drinking water at workplace
  4. un unity on mine workers
  5. differences in the wages of men and women
  6. bad behavior of mine owner towards mine worker
  7. exploitation of child labors
  8. lack of weekly and monthly holidays
  9. improper compensation by mine owner at the time of accident
  10. no arrangements for the first aid
  11. no maternal leave with wages
  12. child labor
  13. no insurance
  14. no pension
  15. laboring on contract
  16. no proper wages
the major problems which came out post presentation discussions are
  1. lack of unity among mine workers,
  2. problems due to be form dalit community
  3. bondage labor
  4. old debts
  5. illiteracy
  6. discrimination
  7. injustice and atrocities
  8. no benefits from govt. policies
prashant mishra chief coordinator after the analysis of the problems said that primerly govt. and feudalistic mind set of the mine owners are responsible for these problems. Further he said that due to lack of common education system and free education, children of mine labor do not get proper education and they are forced to be child labor, to counter with these problems, mine workers needs to be integrated and struggle for their rights for a long time.
Mr. Tulsidas raj asked mine labors that Are they feel that they are free? If they are not free it means they are slave. If, they are slave then of whom? And if they are slave now then what they were in past? Why they are made slave and who made them slave? Further he asked the mine workers that you want to be free and independent?
Mr. Raj said that our constitution is prevalent in our country since 26 January 1950 and which says that every one in this country is equal and no one would be discriminated on the basis of religion or caste. Every one would have right to vote according to his/her will.
Mr. Vinod Rajoria an advocate told the labors about unknowingness and superstitions and religion. Said due to these reasons the people of SC and ST community are lacking behind.
He said that we have to be informed and if we are informed, we will develop a feeling of dignity in ourselves. If we are informed then we could analyze the reasons of our problems and jointly we can struggle for our problems. This way we can form our organization and could struggle for our basic rights. He said that superstitions will end with the information.
Mr. Vinod Rajoria told about the provisions of mining act 1952. he said that mining sector is an unorganized sector. The mining act 1952 has many provisions for mine workers and it is responsibility of govt. and mine owners to implement the provisions of this act.
The provisions of mining act 1952 are
  1. facility of clean and cold drinking water at workplace
  2. separate facilities for men and women at attend call of nature
  3. facility of first aid box
  4. information board and attendance register
  5. no worker should be forced to work more than 6 days in a week, no worker would be forced to work more than 48 hours in a week and more than 9 hours in a day. A child labor will work only 5 hours in a day.
  6. children, less than 14 years of age can not be employed
  7. women cannot be forced to work in under ground mines, women can not be forced to work before 6 o’clock in the morning and after 7 o’ clock in the evening, women will get 3 months paid maternity leave.
  8. there are provisions of similar wages for the similar work and on time wages
  9. compensation should be given to the hurt labor or the dependents of the a labor who died due to mishap in the mine. If some labor get infected of occupational related disease, mine owner must provide compensation to the labor.
  10. the compensation must be multiplied with the age of the labor with half of his salary or Rs. 80,000 which ever is more. Other than Rs. 2500 must be provided to the victims family for crimination.
In the case of permanent disability, 60% of salary of the victim must be multiplied with his age or Rs. 90,000 which ever is more should be provided.
The main issues of this workshop
    1. attendance register
    2. information board
    3. shed at workplace
    4. arrangements of drinking water
    5. regular health checkups
    6. face mask
according to section 23 of this act no mine owner can force a mine labor to work with out his/her consent
after this information sharing Mr. tulsidas Raj formed strategy with the mine workers, which includes
  1. formation of a campaign committee
  2. preparation of memorandum
  3. preparation of demand latter
  4. participation all the classes
  5. membership campaign
a campaign committee formed in this workshop. The details of the members is as fallows
1. Keru village Khibraj Gander, Narpat and Dinesh
2. Beru village Hanuman Ram , Ashuram and Dhalaram
3. Kaliberi Khumbharam, Multanaram and Devaram
4. Bhuriberi Narpat, Jagdish, Ramnath and Vishnaram
5. Paladi Motiram lilad
6. Salodi Khiyaram and Genaram
The committee discussed on the fallowing issues
  1. printing of demand letter and posters
  2. preparation of chart paper of provisions of mining act 1952
  3. mobilization of people of all classes
  4. membership form
  5. membership fee should be Rs. 10
  6. a meeting of committee members and mine labors in Kaliberi on 20th of june 2008
in the end of the second day after long discussions on various issues and taking decisions on several issue, Mr. Tulsidas Raj paid vote of thanks to all for their active participation in the workshop and asked for their similar support in the future.
Prepared by
Prashant mishra
Chief Coordinator
Lucknow Uttar Pradesh

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the other side of democracy of india in Rajasthan

The other side of democracy of India

Police officials went behemoth, low closed its eyes

With heavy boozing and fogging police officers tortured four innocent youth with the army men.

The top management and different commissions are planning to change the face of police deportment more public friendly and pro people with the time using force from their head to tale. In this process there are many new acts came in to existence to turn the police as the worker of the innocent public and a fear factor for the criminals, but there are so many incidents happening daily with this deportment which clearly provides a simple message to the common people that they are not going free from the fear of these govt.’s official criminals in near future.

On the 7th April 2008 what ever happened in the Balesar police station of Jodhpur district in the presence of Dy. Superintendent of police Mr. Devendra Sharma and other police officials, denotes that police deportment is in no mood to change itself.

This incident took place when soldiers of a mobile military canteen informed the police that, the money of the sales have been stolen by some one. The police without any investigation picked up four innocent college students from their homes and beaten them brutally in the police station for whole night and in next day the morning thrown them in their village without any medical assistance.

When we look in to the matter of theft, soldiers are them self come in to circle of suspicion. No FIR of theft lodged in any police station and the money which was stolen found in the very backyard of the military canteen. But still police officers jokingly played with the law in the very presence of military officers too.

Rajuram S/O Pratapram, Jetharam S/O Pratapram, Ramesh S/O Tejpal and Dhannaram S/O Ramchandra, all resident of Agolai village of Jodhpur district and a main bus stand on Jodhpur Jaisalmer Highway, faced third degree of police torture at Balesar Police station.

Dy. S.P Devendra Sharma, Constable Mnohar Singh , constable Sohan Singh, Constable Baburam, Constable Rajendra Kumar, Cornel Guneet Singh 204 Armed Battalion, Deputy Subedar 204 Battalion armed Ram Bhavan and constable Tejpal 204 armed battalion and some other soldiers of the same battalions very knowingly implied third degree torture on these four village youth, which is even banned for hardcore criminals.

The police officers and military men hanged these you boys by legs, tide their hands and legs and then beaten them with sticks (Danda) and belts (Patta), they even not allowed them to drink water. One boy got unconscious, then police sprayed water on the face and when he become conscious, they again beaten him, one boy urine in his pants, even then the police never stopped.

This is not an accident done by some lower class police man but a R.P.S officer who reached at Balesar police station, drunk fully, has a bottle of wine in one hand and a gloss full of wine in other hand, the youth told that Bade Shahab (Dy. S.P.) was drinking wine and after finishing one pag, he made another and in bet been beating to these youths. One of the constable brought “Afeem” (opium) and he offered it to every one, and every one had it.

Meanwhile the family member’s gathered out of the police station and they all were crying and weeping, inside the police station these young boys were cry and asking for pity.

The family members of these youths bowed on the feet of these police men to have mercy on their children but the police men thrown them out and never allowed them to meet to these youths.

One of the victim of this mishap Rajuram was student of Jai Narayan University Jodhpur and he has to appear in the examination in the next day, but these official criminals sent him to hospital instead of the examination hall.

In the same night at three o’ clock in the morning Dy. S.P devendra Sharma arrived in the Agolai Village at Pratap Ram’s and with out any search warrant he searched his house and thrown all the pots and other things in the courtyard. Not only this, these officers abused women of the family. The officer brought Rajuram along with him, when family members tried to offer water to Rajuram one of the policemen snatched the pot of water and thrown it away.

Next day morning when family members of the victims, brought them to govt. hospital for the cure, the doctors of the hospital deniyed to cure, when some social activist interfere in the matter then only the doctors admitted them in the hospital and provided them some medication, but without much cure, the doctors relived them from hospital and even did not perform the medical checkup.

When activists of Dalit Adhikar Network approached higher officials and made pressure on them, even then no FIR lodged against any police men or military officers, only two constables sent to police line and no other action was taken against any one.

This entire drama of police and military cruelty absolutely raised some questions like

Why the FIR of the matter is not lodged in any Police station?

With out any FIR and warrant why these boys arrested and how?

Why these youths kept in police lock up with out any entry any where?

Why without any reasons these youth were beaten brutally?

These questions raised some critical issues which should be tackled at larger levels. The police officers who are responsible for the security of the common innocent people and if these officers are behaving so brutally to the common people and escaped clean

Who is the responsible for these non responsible officers in a democracy of India?


Prahsant Mishra

Regional Activist

Dalit Adhikar Network Rajaasthan